A Great Exercise To Start Dancing Today

Are you hesitant to take dance classes at your gym or intimidated to join a dance class at a local studio? Are you tired of being a wallflower at parties while all of your friends are on the dancefloor having fun? You're not alone. Every day I watch people working to overcome their fears and here's a wonderful exercise to try out before you dive right in.

The next time you are home alone turn on your favorite tunes and just let the music move you. Pandora internet radio is perfect for this. The "DJ Got Us Falling in Love" station always gets me moving. You can start small with just the feet or the shoulders or the hips. The trick is to make sure you are dancing however you feel (without judgement!). If you need some more inspiration, search for videos online of people dancing. I found one of a woman cleaning her kitchen, listening to techno, and totally gettin' down (LOVE it). You can do it in your bedroom, in front of a mirror or even while cleaning - think Mrs. Doubtfire vacuuming style.

Moving your body to your favorite jams is a wonderful de-stresser and we both know you probably need it. If you allow it, dance is an excellent outlet for expressing how you feel. Try selecting the music based on your mood. If you're pissed at your boss or if you hate housework, who's to say you can't put on some rebellious music (ska or metal comes to mind) and express that too? Ha. Or the next time you need a pick-me-up try working from the outside in. When feeling down select some upbeat music (pop or big band even), bounce around the house for a bit, and you'll find it's hard to stay in a funk. There's no wrong way to do this exercise so long as you keep moving and exploring. Don't worry about technique yet. Just for now, practice when no one else is around and you'll find this to be a perfect way to get that body and spirit going. It will be liberating!

As your confidence builds with dance this will transcend to other aspects of your life too! You will bring new poise to your professional life. Imagine spontaneity and even enjoyment on those wedding dance floors. It could even help you become a better lover. Seriously. Understanding how your body moves can work wonders in your relationship. Start slow and simple with the exercise above. The goal is to let go of what's stifling and holding you back. Another wonderful perk of dance is that each step brings a dose of endorphins, making the next move easier than the last. Keep going even if it gets uncomfortable. Like anything new, it will ebb and flow. Dance may be intimidating at first but using this exercise in the beginning, or revisiting at any stage of your dance journey, will keep the things creative and fun!

Original article

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