Why Take Hip Hop Dance Lessons

Evolving from a culture of music and African-American dance moves, hip hop dance lessons can be exhilarating, freeing, and a fun form of self-expression. Here we will explore where hip hop footwork comes from and what makes it so popular amongst the artists that practice it day in and day out.

Hip Hop As An Art Form Of Movement

The initial movement known as hip hop was believed to be created in the early 1970s by groups that titled and invented moves such as breaking, popping, and locking. Dancers took these moves to the next level professionally by both training and interlocking choreography that came directly from the inspiration of hip hop music.

Specific moves, such as the 'cabbage patch' and 'running man,' were the early signs of this genre, which took the club scene by storm. Later, professional studios and other arenas started developing the movements as a formal form of art.

The Difference Between Other Dance Classes

There are many ways in which this particular genre differs from other types of coursework, including that of ballet class. First, hip hop dance lessons allow students of all ages and experience levels to dress in comfortable and self-expressing clothing. This is unlike that of ballet class which requires a certain outfit that is traditional in its form and often color.

Hip hop dance lessons also are inspired by the music that created the art form initially. Especially fun for children and teenagers, this type of movement allows the student to stay up on their current pop music and updates in the world of music that inspires the art.

Recent Developments In The Genre

Internationally, this particular genre of movement is growing quite popular in countries such as South Korea and France. Inspired by American music and culture, groups are being formed overseas to compete in dance competitions across the globe. Groups such as the Rivers Crew and Gamblerz have even been named as official ambassadors for Korea and the country's ever-evolving culture.

Colleges and private institutions are filling up with students looking to study the genre as a career path after high school. Entertainment has become a growing field as far as occupational routes, and it is said that the field of dance in this light will double over the next four years. Although a great majority of students around the globe enjoy the sport and art form as a way to relax and have fun; in a sense, it becomes a great hobby or extra-curricular activity for those that wish to pursue it as such.

An Urban Style Of Clothing To Match The Excitement

The clothing that has developed out of the urban environment has also been utilized in these types of dance classes. With exciting colors and types of fabric, uncommon mixes in textiles are not uncommon. There are many ways in which to experience urban life, today's most popular music and more by taking part in hip hop dance lessons in your local area. What are you waiting for?

Hip hop dance lessons in Batavia can be an exciting way to experience true self-expression. The faculty at A Step Above Academy specialize in teaching ballet class in Batavia and a diverse group of other dance classes in Batavia. Register for courses at the academy's website today!

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